Monday, April 27, 2009

The Human Condition

I've decided to start the blog off with the biggest of my issues with people today - Stupidity. These are just a few of the things I've noticed in my time online that drive me fucking insane!

Have you ever noticed how some people play with/off of words to try and make themselves appear intelligent? "While proof-reading my latest musings on the fundamentalist nature of the Serengeti Mountain Lion I found the animalistic behavior of the females of the speicies to be quite daunting and very indicitive of human females' interaction with males in the urban brothels they like to call bars these days." Newsflash: We all know you're pretty fucking stupid behind all your big words. I could be as dumb as a box of rocks, but sit here and publish a post with my online dictionary open in the next tab, but will I really be smarter once it's up? Intelligence isn't measured by how many words you know, it's the thought process behind all those big words, dumbass! Just fucking say what you mean!

How about those people that think they've stumped you with their wondrous skills of debate, but in reality have just confused you so much you have no clue how to respond (and not in the good way, might I add?) Why I even feel the need to jump into a discussion with these nitwits, I do not know, but time after time I find myself dumbfounded by their complete and utter lack of reasoning skills. They sit there and go on and on about how you are not understanding them when all you want to do is say "If I did understand you I'd have the same amount of brain waves as an ameoeba!" And even upsets you when they can't even begin to see your side of the argument. As if they could get past their own convoluted position... The only time you should really carry on a conversation with people like this is after a lobotomy.

Another group of people that make my blood boil and skin crawl? The ones that automatically pass you off as stupid! You know them. They run rampant on the internet. The best group of them? The fake celebrities. Yeah, I believe that you pull down a few million a movie and sit on your laptop all day picking fights with teenagers. Come on! I never claimed to be the most intelligent person out there, but give me a little credit. Don't think I don't research the person when I'm told I'm talking to someone famous. As if I'm not going to clue into the fact that while you're sitting there discussing the finer points of the paparazzi, those "scum" as you like to call them are photographing the person you're pretending to be leaving the bar drunk of their ass? Yeah. Score one for the lonely soul that needs to fake someone with notoriety to get the attention they crave.

While we're on the topic of internet fakes, lets talk about those that blindly believe them. While I can't totally go stark raving mad on these people, as I generally feel sorry for them, I do have to ask WHY? Seriously can you believe that your favorite celebrity is sitting behind a computer discussing the finer points of needlepoint with you? While some celebrities do have an online presence, you don't see them avoiding proving they are who they say they are. For example, I came across a story of a group of people on a movie message board that were conversing with Bruce Willis. They questioned him, and what did he do? He had a video chat with one of them that he allowed screen captures to be posted of. If they ARE who they say they are, they will have NO problem proving that to you. They won't get upset if you question them. ESPECIALLY if they've pledged their undying love and devotion to you and only you. The only thing you're doing by prolonging your blind belief is leading yourself down a road that will bring you nothing but pain. They won't lose anything...they're there to hurt you.

While I could go on forever, I think I shall sign off for now. My lids are drooping and I think my yawns have merged into one continuous yawn. Have a good night.